Program Structure

The Program for the Post-Graduate and Master Course in Agriculture Information Management and Precision Farming lasts for three consecutive semesters (full time) and integrates a set of courses of compulsory nature.

First Semester
Second Semester
Third Semester
GIS and Precision Farming
Quantitative Methods*
Research Methods
Precision Farming**
Data Acquisition
Agriculture Information Management**
Remote Sensing and
Spatial Analysis*
Implementing Precision Farming
in the Community

* At UCM (1st edition) the Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis course wiil be taught in the second semester and Quantitative Methods in the first semester.

** At UCM (1st edition) the Agricultural Information Management course will be taught before the Precision Farming course.

The first semester of the course consists on four courses that provide complementary skills and knowledge to prior learning, providing the acquisition of specific knowledge considered essential to achieve the objectives set for the program of studies.

For the second semester of the course is proposed a set of four courses with a higher level of specialization and deepening. The objectives and content of these courses aim at the acquisition of skills required to continue the process of learning and expertise, promoting the initiation of scientific research and the use of appropriate techniques and approaches to solve complex problems in the area of ​​Agricultural Information Management and Precision Farming.

All these courses involve project work to assess, in a comprehensive manner, the set of skills acquired by students.

The third semester of the course is dedicated to the preparation of the dissertation.

Obtaining a diploma graduate in Agriculture Information Management and Precision Farming is dependent of the achievement of credits associated with the eight curriculum units that integrate the mandatory 1st and 2nd semesters.

The granting of the master’s degree requires, in addition of approval in the curriculum component of the 1st and 2nd semesters, the preparation of a dissertation, its discussion and approval.