Training Courses

The training courses are specially designed to improve the skills of management/administrative staff from both institutions.
Several themes will be addressed like financial management, pedagogical development, e-learning and project management.

Problem-based Learning
Dr. Carlos Reis Marques
  • Training for teaching staff.
  • The training of the academic staff will incorporate and combine specific training sessions to guide teachers through the development of engaging, standards-focused projects.
Curriculum Development Theories
Dr. Carlos Reis Marques
  • Training for teaching staff.
  • Specific training sessions will be provided to involve teachers on in-depth study of the foundations, theories, and procedures of curriculum development and evaluation.
  • A particular emphasis will be given to the concept of curriculum as a praxis -an interaction of elements and people that assist in the process of learning.

Educational Techonologies
Dr. Alexandre Baptista
  • Training for teaching, information and educational technologies staff.
  • The academic training activities will integrate sessions specially designed to improve and facilitate the learning process through the use of relevant and innovative eLearning tools and the management of appropriate technological infrastructures.
The current state of the art of Precision Farming
Professor José Rafael Silva
  • Training for teaching staff, information technology and educational staff.
  • Teachers will be trained on the state of the art approaches and methods used in precision farming in order to facilitate and improve the design and deliver of adequate, relevant and innovative curriculum materials and contents.
International project management
Dr. Tiago Sequeira
  • Training for administrative and teaching staff interested in submitting international projects.
  • Primarily targeted at partner institutions’ human resources, but will also be available to other stakeholders such as governmental institutions, NGOs, non-state bodies, and consultants.
  • The training sessions will provide targeted staff with standards, tools and established project management guidelines to support good management practices and effective decision making throughout the project management cycle.
Eng. Alexandre Santos
    • UAVs for civil use. Typologies. Mission types. Payloads.
    • Legal and safety procedures: international and local regulation. Security and Privacy. Good practices.
    • Aquisição de imagens aéreas e a geração de mapas para agricultura de precisão I Point cloud. Imagens RGB e NIR. NDVI. Medição de áreas. Sistemas de coordenadas.
    • Aerial imagery acquisition and generation of maps for precision farming I point cloud. RGB and NIR images. NDVI. Area measurement. Coordinate Systems.
    • Operação de multirotor I: Meteorologia, radio, baterias, máquina fotográfica. Obstáculos. Plano de voo. Telemetria
    • Multirotor operation I: Meteorology, radio, batteries, camera. Obstacles. Flight plan. telemetry
    • Multirotor operation II